Cocktail of emotions

First blog as a 22 year old, I know you probably couldn't care less but this has changed my mindset on so many things and I've meet amazing people. So cocktail of emotions lemme get creative,( Emotails).You can cite me.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Trust , I believe I have found the solution. Someone recently said to me that I should trust my intuition towards a person Instead of trusting the person. True to that I have realized that once you trust your gut when making decisions or getting closer to people, it is mostly never wrong and if things went sideways there is a lesser chance of regret. 

Happiness, from my previous blogs I have defined what it has been for me at different stages in my life. Oooh yeah I just turned 22.🥰🥰. I have learned to enjoy happiness without having a set definition in my mind of how the ideal should be. Being more present in life makes me experience all the different forms of happiness life has to offer. What makes you happy might not be what makes me happy and that is okay . Bottom line is that we are all happy. 

Motivation, recently I have been reading, far from the point. Anyway you should have the end in mind as you start, ps.this was a business book, not love. So basically in my own understanding this is basically dreaming big, the most successful that venture would have and then start with all that in mind. I found this to be a good motivation.

Ps. I'll be using photos I've taken rather than from the internet 🙂 enjoying photography 😉


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